Preachees Post >


October 25, 2022, 12:00 AM

WORK LOVING GOD, INC. Thanks to infividuals, associations, churches ( in Tennessee, Florida, Alabama and Pennsylvania ) and individuals that funded this mission. Nearly $8,000. was applied in materials and supplies during the week toward restoration of a mission team housing center, and three homes ( this does not include individual materials donations from team members). An additional $4,000 . Was left with trusted local rebuild agencies to continue the work. $1,400. Was spent on food for the team ; or less than $100 per person for the week. Note food costs were significantly reduced by generous pre-prepared casseroles, and meats provided by team member families. These numbers don’t include hundreds of $ quietly applied by team members during the week or gasoline, travel expenses by the team; or several hundred $ of new clothes, towels, blankets, bedding brought from Pa from a team member that helped a family of 8 whose home was burnt down . Work Loving God, Inc. carries no reserve funding and honors designations by donors….So after reconciliation, an additional $7,000. Was just sent to trusted Kentucky Rebuild Ministries to continue the work.