Work Loving God, Inc. is registered in the State of Tennessee to pursue Construction Missions, Local Church Consulting: Congregation/Leadership Development, Missions and Ministry, Church Renewal.
WLG Bible Studies are offered in Morristown and Seymour/Knoxville, and we are offering consulting services in local church leadership structures, moving outside church doors in mission, discerning and pursuing Holy Spirit vision.
Monetary Donations can be sent to Work Loving God, Inc. or W.L.G. at 951 Ravenwood Dr, Morristown TN 37814 or by PayPal. Donations of treated lumber, tools, hardware are also received to support the ministry by email or text message to 865-209-7061.
Kentucky Mission 2023
Couldn't be Done
WLG TOOL RE-PURPOSE MINISTRY. We receive donations of tools, restore and repair as practical, and get these tools at no charge into the hands of other mission groups, or individuals who need help, or sell and re-invest in supplies for construction missions. This last year we provided thousands of $ of good tools to churches setting up construction mission trailers, or used the proceeds from the sale of these items to help fund mission projects. IF YOU HAVE TOOLS COLLECTING DUST? PLEASE CONSIDER WLG? IF YOU ARE A MINISTRY IN NEED OF TOOLS, SEND US YOUR WISH LIST!
Walking the Talk Missions
Work Loving God, Inc. is a “Word, Deed, Sign” Ministry, part of The Association of Independent Methodists. Beyond coordinating teams and resources for local and beyond construction missions, WLG’s Pastor Stephen Burkhart is available on a scheduled basis to meet with churches ( of any Christian tribe) to mentor discernment of “ Where you are, and ‘next’” in missions. Pastor Burkhart strives to follow a “ Listen! Listen! Love! Love! ” engaging and challenging story telling, Scripture driven approach , in a single meeting, multiple meetings or in Revival. No charge, but gas money and a cup of coffee appreciated. Call or text 865-209-7061